Creating a new product

This article will show you how to create a new simple product step by step

For creating a new package product, Please contact us

1. Open Magento Backend --> Click on Catalog --> Products

2. Click on "Add Product"

3. Edit the following fields:

-  Enable Product - Select yes

-  Attribute Set - Select "Default" 

-  SKU - The SKU must be in the English language 

-  Price - Select the price of the product (Including Tax) 

-  Tax Class - Select "Taxable Goods"

-  Weight - Open the drop list and select "This item has no weight"

-  Categories - Select the category of the product (In what category the product will be displayed on POS)

-  Visibility - Select "Catalog, Search"

-  Visible on POS - Select "Yes"

4. Open the "Sources" Tab and click on "Assign Sources"

5. Select "BabylonInventorySource" and "Default" --> click Done

6. Click on "Advanced Inventory" --> Disable the "Use Config Settings" Option in Manage stock --> select "No" --> click Done

7. Open the "Images And Videos" Tab and Upload a photo

8. Open the "Product in Websites" Tab --> Select the websites that can see the product

9. Open the "Attributes" Tab --> Select "Physical NFC"

10. Click on "Save" to save the product

11. To see the products on POS, The Cashier needs to Log out from the POS and log in again